"Commitment"@en . "Pooled warehouse"@en . "Open Source Product Design"@en . "Collaborative Demand Planning"@en . . "Integrated Supply Chain" . "Gestion de crise"@fr . "Mergers & Acquisitions-Change management-Cultural integration-External growth-Strategic management"@en . "Agilit\u00E9"@fr . "Karine Evrard Samuel" . "Karine" . "Co-innovation"@en . "Assessment"@en . "Supply Chain Design"@en . "KPIs"@en . "Shared warehouse"@en . "Early Purchasing Involvement EPI"@en . "Agility"@en . "Planning"@en . "Strategic assessment"@en . "Evrard Samuel" . "Supply Chain"@fr . "Open source hardware"@en . "Pr\u00E9visions"@fr . "Review"@en . "University-Industry collaboration"@en . "Criticality"@en . . "Communaut\u00E9s de pratiques"@en . "SMEs"@en . "Collaboration interorganisationnelle"@fr . "Urban logistics"@en . "Clusters 2"@en . "Planning Framework"@en . "Business models \u2013 Open Source Hardware \u2013 Innovation - Commons"@en . "L'absorption de l'incertitude dans la cha\u00EEne logistique"@fr . "Fusions et acquisitions-Gestion du changement-Int\u00E9gration culturelle-Croissance externe-Management strat\u00E9gique"@fr . . "Resources"@en . "Pass\u00E9"@fr . "Strat\u00E9giques de localisation"@fr . "\u00C9valuation"@en . "Supply chain"@en . "Comp\u00E9tences collaboratives"@fr . "Big data"@en . "Logistics pooling"@en . . "Systematic review"@en . "\u00C9valuation strat\u00E9gique"@en . "Typology of Flow"@en . "Predictive analysis"@en . "Syst\u00E8mes d'information"@fr . "Produits innovants"@en . "Supply Chain Management"@fr . "Forecast"@en . "a2aeccb23f64b0676121907556430f71" . "Approche de r\u00E9solution par les probl\u00E8mes"@en . "Communaut\u00E9s \u00E9pist\u00E9miques"@en . "Product development communities"@en . "Produits fonctionnels"@en . "Obstacles"@en . "Early-stage development knowledge and technology transfer"@en . . "Uncertainty"@en . "Cha\u00EEne logistique int\u00E9gr\u00E9e"@fr . . "Stakeholders"@en . "Supply Chain Risk Management"@en . "Mod\u00E8les \u00E9conomiques"@en . "Uncertainty sources and risks"@en . "Incertitude"@fr . "Open source design"@en . "Key success factors"@en . "Pr\u00E9sent et futurs"@fr . "Raw materials"@en . "M\u00E9canismes de coordination"@en . "Interorganizational collaboration" . . "PME -Syst\u00E8mes d'information"@fr . "Absorbing uncertainty within supply chain"@en . "R\u00E9silience"@fr . "City Logistics"@en . "Logistique urbaine"@en . "Open innovation"@en . "Resilience"@en . "Raw material"@en . "Acteurs"@en . "Organisation of product development"@en . "Solutions"@en . "Community of practice"@en . <0000-0001-6475-8927> . "Visibility"@en . "Developing Collaborative Competencies within Supply Chains"@en . "Relations inter-organisationnelles"@en . "Collaborative design"@en . "Systematic literature review"@en . "Literature classification"@en . "Collaborative design platforms"@en . "Parties prenantes"@en . "Demande"@fr . "Supply Chain Performance"@en . "Client/fournisseur"@fr . "Bibliometric Analysis"@en . . "Inter-organizational Reciprocity"@en . "Cha\u00EEne logistique globale"@fr . "Planification"@fr . "Stakeholder"@en . "Supply"@en . "Collaborative Competencies" . "Early Supplier Involvement ESI"@en . "Pooling"@en . "Digital technologies"@en . "Demand"@en . "Radical innovation"@en . "Purchasing"@en . "Risque"@fr .