"Exp\u00E9rimentation"@fr . "Antidepressants"@en . "Gender-specific response"@en . "S\u00E9diment"@fr . "LC"@fr . "EHMC"@en . "Mars 3D model"@en . "2-3-t-Butyl-2-hydroxy-5-methylphenyl-5-chlorobenzotriazole UV-326"@en . "Hygi\u00E8ne peau"@fr . . "Bioluminescent cells" . <0000-0003-3897-0902> . <101019181> . . <198190107> . "Chemical reactions"@en . "Gel permeation chromatography --- phosphore"@fr . "Adsorption"@en . "Elena Gomez" . "Benzotriazole UV stabilizers"@en . "Fractionation"@en . "Aquatic organisms"@en . "AQUACULTURE"@fr . "8dc46e651c5675e9b312428cfb62d1fc" . "Biota"@en . "Micropolluants"@fr . "Pollution de l\u2019environnement"@fr . "R\u00E9sidus m\u00E9dicamenteux"@fr . . "HRMS"@fr . "Carbon"@en . "Coastal and marine waters"@en . "Marine environment"@en . "Effects on reproduction"@en . "Gastropod"@en . "CEMAGREF"@fr . "Chromatography"@en . "Adverse effects"@en . "Mod\u00E9lisation"@fr . "Combined effects"@en . "Exposure assessment"@en . "Sels nutritifs"@fr . . "Galloprovincialis"@en . "Concentration pr\u00E9dite dans l'environnement PEC"@fr . "HeLa cell"@en . "Bivalve mollusks"@en . "Sediment"@en . "Hazard assessment"@en . . . "Dioxin-like substances"@en . "Antagonism"@en . "Estrogenicity"@en . "\u00C9valuation risque"@fr . "Adsorption/desorption kinetics"@en . . "Distribution"@en . "Impact environnemental"@fr . "Androgen receptors" . "Life Sciences"@fr . "Pr\u00E9parations pharmaceutiques"@fr . "8280Bg"@en . "Gomez" . "Marine organisms"@en . "ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS"@fr . "Octocrylene"@en . "Biocides"@fr . . "BIOMONITORING"@en . "Zone humide"@fr . "Benzophenones BPs"@en . "Ground water quality"@en . "Bivalve monitoring"@en . "Eau"@fr . "Elena" . "Carbone"@fr . . "Organic matter"@fr . "Prostaglandines"@fr . "Wetland"@fr . "9240kc"@en . "11-dihydro-carbamazepine"@en . "ER"@en . "Mode d'action"@fr . "Organismes non-cibles"@fr . "Phosphorus"@fr . "3-Benzylidene camphor"@en . "Emerging contaminants"@en . "DEBtox"@en . "Rejets"@fr . "Ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate"@en . "Sbdiment"@fr . "BIOASSAY"@en . "QELY"@fr . . "Analysis of variance multiblock orthogonal partial least squares"@en . . "Chromatographie de perm\u00E9ation sur gel"@fr . "Metabolites"@en . "Biod\u00E9gradation"@fr . "Ethylhexyl dimethyl PABA"@en . "Aryl hydrocarbon receptor" . "Actions toxiques"@fr . "Metabolomics"@en . "Mytilus galloprovincialis"@fr . "Dioxin"@en . "R\u00E9sidus de m\u00E9dicaments"@fr . "R\u00E9sidus m\u00E9dicament"@fr . "8714Lk"@en . "Cosm\u00E9tiques"@fr . "Endocrine disrupting compounds"@en . "Cytochrome P450 3A4"@en . "QuEChERS"@en . "Organismes marins"@fr . "Milieux marins"@fr . "RAT"@en . "1H-benzotriazole"@en . "CHUB" . "Neurotransmetteurs"@fr . "Analyse non cibl\u00E9e"@fr . "Concentration addition"@en . "CELL LINES"@fr . "COASTAL ENVIRONMENTS" . "Mati\u00E8re organique"@fr . "Venlafaxine"@fr . "Anions"@en . "Beaches"@en . "Perturbateurs endocriniens"@fr . "Personal care products"@en . "Wastewater"@en . "Effervescence"@fr . "Pregnane X receptor" . "6843Mn"@en . "Bioaccumulation"@en . "Antidepressant"@en . "Coastal"@en . "Sediments"@en . "Antid\u00E9presseur"@fr . . "ESTROGEN-LIKE"@en . "LC-HRMS"@fr . "Environment"@en . "High rate algal pond"@en . "Expression"@en . "M\u00E9tabolites des m\u00E9dicaments et produits de transformation"@fr . "\u00C9valuation de m\u00E9dicament"@fr . "M\u00E9tabolomique"@fr . "Environmental metabolomics"@en . "CULTURE DE CELLULE"@fr . "Alkylphenol polyethoxylates"@en . "Chondrogenesis"@en . "Gene expression"@en . "Carbamazepine"@en . "ER\u03B1"@en . "Hydrodynamique"@fr . "Benzophenone-2"@en . "Alkylphenols"@en . "CNRS"@fr . "\u00C9vacuation eau us\u00E9e"@fr . "10-Hydroxy-10"@en . "Pharmaceuticals"@en . . "Mediterranean Sea"@en . "HPLC-HRMS"@fr . "ESTROGENIC ACTIVITY"@fr . "PSEUDOKIRCHNERIELLA SUBCAPITATA"@fr . "2-2-Hydroxy-5-methylphenylbenzotriazole UV-P"@en . "Lagune c\u00F4ti\u00E8re"@fr . "Cell proliferation assay"@en . "M\u00E9tabolites"@fr . . "Parabens"@fr . "HYBRIDATION INSITU"@fr . "AhR"@en . "Wastewater treatment plant effluent"@en . "COPPER COMPLEXING CAPACITY"@en . "Coastal lagoon"@en . "Bioconcentration"@en . "BIOAVAILABILITY"@en . "Seawater"@en . . "\u00C9tablissement de soin"@fr . "AROMATASE" . "RAS"@fr . "Biomarkers"@en . . "Diclof\u00E9nac"@fr . "Emerging organic contaminants"@en . "POCIS"@en . . "DPASV"@fr . "EDS"@fr . "Aquatic ecology"@en . . .