"L2 acquisition"@en . "Variation r\u00E9gionale"@fr . . "Segmentation automatique"@fr . "Corpus Linguistics"@en . "C-AFF"@en . "Prosodic annotation systems"@en . "Automatic speech processing"@en . "Acquisition of prosody in L2"@fr . "Discourse types"@fr . "Resyllabation"@fr . "Rhetorical questions"@en . "Phonetics"@en . "Prosody"@en . "Methods"@en . . "Corpora"@en . . "35f23763a64e06955e80489a3a981c72" . "Implants cochl\u00E9aires"@fr . "Emotions"@en . "Effects of orthography"@en . "Phono-genre"@en . "Elisabeth Delais-Roussarie" . . "Dysarthria"@en . "Learner corpora"@fr . "Intonation"@fr . "Discours direct"@fr . "Structure tonale"@fr . "Motifs rythmiques"@fr . "G\u00E9mination"@fr . "Chunking"@en . . "Intonational phrase"@en . "Deep Learning"@en . "Metrical structure"@en . "Prosodic changes"@en . "Quotation and reporting verb"@en . "Question Intonation"@en . "Corpus oraux"@fr . "Automatic annotation"@en . "Focus"@fr . "Syllabes"@fr . "Phon\u00E9tique Clinique"@fr . "OS-C" . "Phonetic cues"@en . "Pronunciation"@en . "Prominence"@en . "Language varieties"@en . "Anglais"@fr . "Lecture \u00E9criture"@fr . "Syntagme intonatif"@fr . "Phras\u00E9 prosodique"@fr . "Delais-Roussarie" . "Accent"@en . "Interface phonology/syntax"@en . . "Direct speech"@en . "Neutral style"@en . "ACL" . "Fran\u00E7ais"@fr . "Sandhi"@fr . "Mod\u00E9lisation prosodique"@fr . "Statistiques des signaux naturels"@fr . . "Fran\u00E7ais L2"@fr . "Boundary strength"@en . "R\u00E9duction temporelle"@en . "Accentual phrase"@en . "Contact situations"@en . "Interlanguage prosody"@en . "Spanish intonation"@en . "Speech synthesis"@en . "Primary School"@en . "Automatic annotation tools"@en . "Phonetic implementation and phonological analysis"@en . "Prosody-syntax interface"@en . "Prosodic parameters"@en . "Groupes accentuels"@fr . "Expressive TTS"@en . "Intonational meaning"@en . "Effets de l\u2019orthographe"@fr . "Corpus"@en . "L2 French acquisition"@en . "Liaison"@fr . "Annotation automatique"@fr . "Parole"@fr . "Dysarthrie"@fr . "Anomaly detection"@en . "Rhythmic constraint"@en . "Intonational phrase IP"@en . "Corpus d\u2019apprenants"@fr . "Rhythmic patterns"@en . "Phonostyle"@fr . "Multi-speaker TTS"@en . "Rythme"@fr . "D\u00E9coupages prosodico-syntaxique"@en . "Knowledge centre"@en . "Typologie linguistique"@fr . "Didactics"@en . "Linguistics"@en . "Articulation rate"@en . "Hindi"@en . "Index Terms acquisition of prosody in L2"@en . "Prosodie"@fr . "CORLI consortium"@en . "Acquisition de la prosodie L2"@fr . "Geste Non-r\u00E9f\u00E9rentiel Prosodie Rythme Analyse de corpus M3D"@en . "Accentuation"@fr . "Prosodic modelling"@fr . "Hypoth\u00E8se du codage efficace"@fr . "Articulatory data"@en . "L2 French"@en . "Automatic parsing"@en . "Rhythm"@fr . "Acoustic data"@en . "Phonology-syntax interface"@en . "Interface prosodie-morphologie"@en . "Prononciation"@fr . "Parole famili\u00E8re"@en . "Information structure"@en . "Reproducibility of language data"@en . "Read and spontaneous speech"@en . "Duration"@en . "Incises"@fr . "French"@en . "Prosodic structure"@en . "Interphonologies"@fr . "M\u00E9lismes"@fr . "Contour m\u00E9lodique" . "Litt\u00E9ratie m\u00E9diatique multimodale"@fr . "L2 intonation"@en . "Interoperability"@en . . . . "DO" . "Structure prosodique"@fr . "Speech"@en . . "Speaker control"@en . "Synth\u00E8se de la parole"@fr . "Syntagme interm\u00E9diaire"@fr . "Linguistics ACL"@en . "Pro\u00E9minences m\u00E9lodiques"@fr . "Groupes intonatifs"@fr . "Learner"@en . . "Acquisition d\u2019une L2" . "Dict\u00E9e"@fr . "Encha\u00EEnement"@fr . "French intonation"@en . "HumaNum"@en . . "Elisabeth" . "Annotation"@fr . "Schwa"@en . "Acquisition"@fr . . "NLP"@en . "Perception"@fr . "Prosodic phrasing"@fr . "Interface prosody-discourse"@en . "Questions"@fr . "Synth\u00E8se vocale"@fr . "Rhythmic rise"@en . "Phrasing"@en . "FAIR data"@en . "Phonetic implementation"@en . . <0000-0002-4517-1503> . "C-ACTI" . "Intermediate phrase"@en . <076329828> . "Emotional speech"@en .