"Leconte" . "Geophysics physicsgeo-ph"@en . "Orbite astronomie"@fr . "IR spectroscopy"@en . "Planets -- Evolution"@fr . "Epist\u00E9mologie"@fr . "Atmosphere"@en . "Extra-solar planets"@en . . "Saturne plan\u00E8te"@fr . "Shock waves"@en . . . "Ultraviolet planetary systems"@en . "Polar caps"@en . "Atmospheres -planets and satellites"@en . "Stars activity"@en . . "Stars low-mass"@en . "Infrared observations"@en . "Instabilities"@en . "Astronomy data analysis 1858"@en . "Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics"@en . "Exoplanetary"@en . "Planets and satellites individual Proxima b"@en . "Planets and satellites general"@en . "Orbite"@fr . . "Plan\u00E8tes Evolution"@fr . "85-02"@en . "Stars individual Proxima Cen"@en . . "Discussion scientifique"@fr . "Mars"@en . "Waves"@en . . "Planets and satellites atmospheres"@en . "Jupiter Planet"@fr . "Extrasolar planets"@fr . "Planets and satellites individual LP 890-9 c"@en . "Atmospheres"@en . "Techniques spectroscopic"@en . "J\u00E9r\u00E9my" . . "2ba21f012978bf16431f172c2bb8e707" . "Solar system"@fr . "Exoplanets"@en . "Convection Astrophysics"@fr . . "Planet-star interactions"@en . . "Methods N-body simulations"@en . . "Gaseous planets -radiative transfer"@en . . "Planets"@fr . . "Syst\u00E8me solaire"@fr . "Saturn Planet"@fr . "Rotational dynamics"@en . "Syst\u00E8mes plan\u00E9taires extrasolaires"@fr . "Radiative transfer"@en . "Planets and satellites fundamental parameters"@en . "Earth and Planetary Astrophysics"@en . "Dynamics"@en . . "Mar\u00E9es"@fr . "Planets and satellites terrestrial planets"@en . "Hydrodynamics"@en . . "Astrophysics"@en . "Planets and satellites physical evolution"@en . "Plan\u00E8tes extrasolaires"@fr . "X-rays stars"@en . "Planets and satellites dynamical evolution and stability"@en . "Exoplanet atmospheres 487"@en . "Kepler-186"@en . "FOS Physical sciences"@en . "Solar and Stellar Astrophysics"@en . "Plan\u00E8tes"@fr . "Plan\u00E8tes -- Evolution"@fr . "Tides"@fr . "Stars individual Kepler-62"@en . "Habitable planets"@en . "Molecular signatures"@en . "Convection astrophysique"@fr . "Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics"@en . "Climate"@en . "Hubble Space Telescope 761"@en . . "Planets Evolution"@en . "Exoplan\u00E8tes"@fr . "Snowball state"@en . "Motivation"@fr . "Unified Astronomy Thesaurus concepts Exoplanet astronomy 486"@en . "Stars atmospheres"@en . "Planetary systems"@en . "Planets and satellites individual HD 209458b"@en . "Structure"@en . "Convection"@en . "Orbits"@fr . "Plan\u00E8tes extra-solaires"@fr . "Saturn"@en . "Atmospheric"@en . "Stars individual TRAPPIST-1"@en . "Planets and satellites"@en . <157870391> . . "Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics physicsao-ph"@en . . "Freezing limit"@en . "Techniques photometric"@en . . "Diversity"@en . "Planet"@en . "GCM"@en . . "Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics"@en . "Planets and satellites interiors"@en . "Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics astro-phIM"@en . "85-06"@en . <0000-0002-3555-480X> . "Earth and Planetary Astrophysics astro-phEP"@en . "Space missions"@en . "Methods numerical"@en . "Planets and satellites composition"@en . "Review"@en . "Jupiter plan\u00E8te"@fr . . . "Planets and satellites oceans"@en . "J\u00E9r\u00E9my Leconte" . "Star interactions"@en . "Planets and satellites individual TRAPPIST-1"@en . . "Convection astronomie"@fr . "Planets and satellites gaseous planets"@en .