"Phase transitions"@en . "Acoustic waves"@en . . "Femtosecond optical spectroscopy"@en . . "Ultrafast spectroscopy"@en . . "Hidden hysteresis"@en . "Organic compounds"@en . . "Photochemistry"@en . . "Condensed matter"@en . "Dysprosium"@en . "Symmetry"@en . . . "Diffraction"@en . "Crystallographic aspects of phase transformations"@en . . . "Badminton trajectory"@en . . . "Spin crossover"@en . "Elastic interactions"@en . "IR"@en . "Crystal structure"@en . "Physics of badminton"@en . "Aperiodicity"@en . "Photoinduced phenomena"@en . "Chemical processes"@en . . "Excited state"@en . . "Nonequilibrium processes"@en . "Excited states"@en . "Ferroelastic phase transition"@en . "Prussian blue analogues"@en . "8cf5ca03a1e7a17f3a8f10df67cea81c" . "Femtochemistry"@en . "Chirality"@en . "TRANSITION"@en . "Time-resolved diffraction"@en . "Heat propagation"@en . "Iron"@en . "Inclusions"@en . "Elastic waves"@en . . "Coherent nonlinear optical spectroscopy"@en . . "Dinuclear complex"@en . "Condensed matter electrical"@en . "Dynamics"@en . . "Structure elucidation"@en . "Femtosecond probes of molecules in solids and of molecular solids"@en . "Anion-ordering transition"@en . "X-ray diffraction"@en . "High-spin fraction"@en . "Photocrystallography"@en . "Condensed matter structural"@en . "Electronic ferroelectricity"@en . "Editorial" . "Femto\u00ADsecond spectroscopy"@en . "X-ray absorption spectroscopy"@en . "Diffuse scattering"@en . "Crystallographic phase"@en . "Eric" . "Broken symmetry"@en . "Domain wall"@en . "Elastic models"@en . "Out-of-equilibrium"@en . "Incommensurate"@en . "Magnus effect"@en . "Laser spectroscopy"@en . "Ab Initio Calculations"@en . "Collet" . "Photoinduced transition"@en . "Electronic structure"@en . "Symmetry breaking"@en . "Cobalt alloys"@en . "Excited state structures"@en . "Photo-crystallography"@en . "Ferroelasticity"@en . "Coordination polymers"@en . "Spin-crossover"@en . "Magnetic properties"@en . "Phase transition"@en . "Femtosecond laser excitation"@en . . . "Ultrafast dynamics"@en . "Molecules"@en . "Heterometallic complexes"@en . "Coherence"@en . "Dynamical properties"@en . "Polymorphism"@en . <0000-0003-0810-7411> . <131392417> . . . . "Time-resolved spectroscopy"@en . "Intersystem crossing"@en . . "And nanoscale systems structure and nonelectronic properties"@en . "Dynamical structural science"@en . . "Differential scanning calorimetry"@en . . "Coordination networks"@en . "Aurophilic interactions"@en . . "Coordination chemistry"@en . . . . "Eisen" . "Electron diffraction"@en . "Hysteresis loops"@en . "Photoinduced"@en . "Femtosecond lasers"@en . "Hysteresis"@en . "Cetyltrimethylammonium"@en . "LIESST"@en . "Ferroelastic materials"@en . "Time-resolved"@en . "Pressure effects"@en . "Eric Collet" . "Devil\u2019s staircase"@en . "FEPHEN2NCS2"@en . "Electron spin resonance spectroscopy"@en . "Crystallography"@en . "Ferrous materials"@en . "And phase transitions"@en . "Cobalt metallography"@en . "Charge transfer"@en . . "Photo-induced phase transition"@en . "Structural phase transition"@en .