"Multi-cluster platform" . "Simulation"@fr . "Trace acquisition"@en . "SCILAB"@fr . "High Performance Computing Education"@en . "Workflow scheduling"@en . "Traces"@en . "Map-Reduce"@en . "Evaluation"@en . "Compuitational servers" . "COMPUTATION MODELING"@en . "ORDONNANCEMENT"@fr . "Parallel libraries" . "Storage"@en . "MIXED PARALLELISM" . "Data-intensive computing"@en . "AGENT HIERARCHY"@en . "Mixed-parallelism"@en . "Platform representation"@en . "Appliance"@en . . "Allocation"@en . "Index TermsSimulation"@en . "Parallel task graph scheduling"@en . "HLCM"@en . "Off-line simulation"@en . "CyberInfrastrucutre Development"@en . "Cluster"@en . "Cloud computing"@en . "MATRIX PRODUCT"@en . "Parallel Task Graphs"@en . "Grid Computing"@en . "SimGrid"@fr . "Metacomputing"@en . . "XML"@fr . "Grid'5000"@en . "Workflow"@en . "Reproducible Research"@en . "Resource allocation"@en . "REPLICATION DE DONNEES"@fr . "RESOURCES MONITORING"@en . <0000-0003-1902-1955> . "Nimbus"@en . <078831962> . "Performance"@en . "Simulation Accuracy"@en . "Message Passing Interace"@en . "Performance Forecasting"@en . "Work ow"@en . "FAST"@en . "BitDew"@en . "Fr\u00E9d\u00E9ric" . "ROUTINES PARALL\u00C8LES"@fr . "Scientific Workflows"@en . . "Multi-cluster platform M"@en . "Performance Prediction"@en . "Fr\u00E9d\u00E9ric Suter" . "ORDONNANCEMENT DE TACHES SUR PLATEFORMES HETEROGENE"@fr . "Bioinformatics"@en . "Performance prediction and extrapolation"@en . "WINOGRAD"@en . "Netsolve" . "Scalability"@en . "Concurrent scheduling" . "Algorithme par vague"@fr . "Pipeline"@fr . "9bdee5efd202ab6e64ad990e9cba823d" . "DAG" . . "Scheduling"@en . "MPI runtime and applications"@en . "Platform generation"@en . "Performance guarantee"@en . "PR\u00C9DICTION DE PERFORMANCES ET MOD\u00C9LISATION"@fr . "Profiling tools"@en . "Dag scheduling"@en . "Mixed parallel application" . "Parallel routines"@en . "BIBLIOTHEQUES PARALLELES /SERVEURS DE CALCUL"@fr . "Distributed Computing"@en . "Message Passing Interface"@en . "Data redistribution" . . "Suter" . "DATA REPLICATION"@en . "Realistic simulation"@en . . . "MIXED--PARALLELISM"@en . . "DIET"@en . "MPI"@en . "Out-of-Core"@fr . "HETEROGENEOUS ENVIRONMENTS"@en . "Workflow profiling"@en . "Ixed parallelism"@en . "BlobSeer"@en . "Platform model"@en . "COMPUTATINAL SERVERS"@en . "Multi-cluster platform ixed parallelism"@en . . "REDISTRIBUTION DE DONNEES"@fr . "Modeling"@en . "HETEROGENEOUS TASK SCHEDULING" . "On-line Simulation"@en . "Cloud"@en . "Workflow Management Systems"@en . "CORBA"@fr . "Platform description"@fr . . "Syst\u00E8mes distribu\u00E9s \u00E0 grande \u00E9chelle"@fr . "Parallel task" . "Parallel computing"@en . "Corba" . "MapReduce"@en . . "Multi-criteria Scheduling"@en . "Computational servers" . "Recouvrement"@fr . . "Clusters of clusters"@en . "NETWORK-ENABLED SERVERS"@en . "Parallel Computing Education"@en . "Hierarchy"@en . "PARALLELISME MIXTE"@fr . "Large scale distributed systems"@en . "STRASSEN"@en . "Hybrid infrastructures"@en . "Performance Analysis"@en . "PTG"@en . . "Wavefront algorithm"@en . "Energy-aware computing"@en . "File replication"@en . "Overlap"@en .