"Pathologie v\u00E9g\u00E9tale"@fr . "Bio-agresseur"@en . "Climate change mitigation"@en . "CROPS"@en . "Biotic interactions"@en . . "Decision aids"@en . "Dysservice"@en . "Ecosystem service"@en . "Flore adventice"@en . "EMERGENCE"@en . "Abatement cost"@en . "Soil organic carbon sequestration"@en . "Agroforestry system"@en . "Bande herbac\u00E9e"@fr . "Diversit\u00E9"@fr . "Spillover"@en . "Hemerophobic species"@en . "Simulation"@fr . "Literature"@fr . "Crop sowing"@en . "Ecosystem services"@en . "Contr\u00F4le biologique"@fr . "Agroforestry"@en . "Co-design"@en . "RESISTANT"@en . "bd7bdd2c8b18bf90255b1f74b936c1d3" . "ALOPECURUS-MYOSUROIDES HUDS"@en . "Vignoble"@fr . "R\u00E9gulation agro\u00E9cologique"@fr . "Life-history trait"@en . "Semi-natural habitat"@fr . "Herbicide"@en . "Syst\u00E8mes de culture"@fr . . "Genetically-modified"@en . "Protection int\u00E9gr\u00E9e"@en . . "Productions agricoles"@fr . "WINTER-WHEAT"@en . . "Functional relationship"@en . . "\u00C9valuation multicrit\u00E8re"@fr . "Indicateurs"@fr . "ADEME"@fr . "M\u00E9zi\u00E8re" . . "NIVEAUX DE RUPTURE"@fr . "Alopecurus myosuroides"@en . "Ex ante assessment"@en . "Sc\u00E9narios"@fr . "Araign\u00E9e"@en . "Mod\u00E8le"@fr . "Nuisibilit\u00E9"@fr . "Evaluation multicrit\u00E8re"@en . "\u00C9valuation"@fr . "3D canopy"@en . "Biodiversity"@en . "Semi-natural habitats"@fr . "Diagnosis"@en . "Control plot"@en . "Community ecology"@en . . . "Abondance"@en . "Culture en allee"@fr . . "SEED CHARACTERISTICS"@en . "Coffee"@en . "Biophysical process"@en . "Stockage"@fr . "Aide \u00E0 la conception"@fr . "Invertebrates"@en . "Integrated weed management"@en . "A CARBOXYLASE INHIBITORS"@en . "Agricultural landscape"@en . . "ROTATION"@fr . "Natural enemy"@en . "Carbon neutrality"@en . "Carbone"@fr . "Functional pattern"@en . "Functional trait"@en . "French Research Institute INRAE citizen science projects multidisciplinary science and society impacts contributions frame of reference criteria"@en . "Cropweed competition"@en . . "DECISION-MAKING"@en . "Gotheron"@en . . "Alley cropping"@en . "Prairie temporaire"@fr . "REDUCTION DE L'UTILISATION DES PESTICIDES"@fr . "Adventice"@fr . "Indicateur"@fr . "Polyculture"@fr . "Habitat semi-naturel"@en . "Harmfulness"@en . "RLQ-analysis"@en . "Conception multiobjectifs"@en . "Farming practices"@en . "Sustainability"@en . "Arbre"@en . "Outstanding questions"@fr . "Delphine" . "Invert\u00E9br\u00E9"@fr . "Carabe"@en . "Carabid beetle"@en . "POPULATION-DYNAMICS"@fr . "Diagnostic"@fr . "Experimental design"@en . "Farming context"@en . "CROPPING SYSTEMS"@en . "Syst\u00E8me de culture"@fr . "BLACK-GRASS"@en . "Auxiliaire de culture"@en . "Agro\u00E9cologie"@fr . "Biofunctool R"@en . "Crop production"@en . "INDICATORS"@fr . "R\u00E9gulations biologiques"@fr . "ALOMYSYS"@en . "Caf\u00E9"@fr . "Decision aid"@en . "BLACKGRASS ALOPECURUS-MYOSUROIDES"@en . "Biodiversit\u00E9"@fr . . "Understory vegetation strip"@en . "Pratique agricoles"@fr . "Model"@fr . "Weed"@en . "Conservation"@en . "Agroecology"@fr . "Am\u00E9nagement"@fr . "Soil conservation technics"@fr . "Pratiques sylvicoles"@fr . "Dynamique source-puits"@en . "Paysage"@fr . "Gaeummanomyces graminis var tritici"@en . "ACETYL-COENZYME"@en . "R\u00E9seau"@fr . "Ombre"@fr . "These"@fr . "Disservice"@en . "Pratiques agricoles"@fr . "HUDS GERMINATION"@en . "Sols fran\u00E7ais"@fr . "Agroecological infrastructure"@en . "Cropping systems simulation species traits model"@en . "Typology"@fr . "R\u00E9duction de l'utilisation des pesticides"@fr . "Hedgerow"@en . "Biological interaction"@en . "Diversity indices"@en . "AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS"@en . "Agroforesterie"@fr . "Specie trait"@fr . "Delphine M\u00E9zi\u00E8re" . "Greenhouse gas"@en . "Indicator"@en . "Allometric models"@en . "DIVERSITY"@en . "Agriculture"@fr . "SOIL CLIMATE"@fr . "Cropping system"@en .