. "Braconidae"@en . "Egg predation"@en . "Pathologie v\u00E9g\u00E9tale"@fr . "Pairwise information"@en . "Agricultural intensities"@en . "Adaptive governance"@en . "Dynamique cyclique"@fr . "Genetic structure"@en . "Insecticide"@en . "Brachinus sclopeta"@en . "Carabid beetles"@en . "Microtus arvalis"@fr . "Structures sociales"@fr . "Ecosystem services"@en . "Geogr aphical Information System"@en . "Agroecology"@fr . "Agricultural practices" . "Cydia pomonella"@fr . "Biais de dispersion"@fr . "Colonization"@en . "Produit phytosanitaire"@fr . "ae16dacb3dfe4ea7dac276c3e7e292c5" . "Carpocapse des pommes"@fr . "Agri-environmental schemes"@en . "R\u00E9sistance aux produits de protection des plantes"@fr . "Multi-scale framework"@en . "Genetic analyses"@en . "Capture-mark-recapture CMR" . "Pezotettix giornae"@en . . "R\u00E9sistance"@fr . "Pesticide resistance monitoring"@en . "Barley yellow dwarf virus"@en . "Dispersal"@en . . "Gene flow"@en . "Densit\u00E9 d\u00E9pendance"@fr . "Data base"@en . "Resource concentration"@fr . . "MULTIPLEX PCR"@en . "Ltser"@fr . "Community structure"@en . "Agro-ecology"@en . "Bioagresseur"@fr . "Functional traits"@en . "Demographic inferences"@en . "Circus cyaneus"@en . "Aphidiinae"@en . "Cropland"@en . "Crop mosaic"@en . . "Hemiptera"@en . "Body size"@en . "Density fluctuations"@en . "Insect diet"@en . "Nest concealment"@en . "Computer simulations"@en . . "Immunogenetics"@en . "Hymenoptera"@en . "Host-parasitoid interactions"@en . . "Multitaxa"@en . "Clustering methods"@en . . "Protection des plantes"@fr . . "Anchomenus dorsalis"@fr . "Herbicide"@en . "Landscape structure"@en . <0000-0001-5431-8098> . <132139251> . "Genetic diversity"@en . "Bridgehead invasion"@en . "Landscape ecology"@en . "Cyclic rodent populations"@en . "APHIS FABAE COMPLEX"@en . "Exploratory method"@en . . "Approximate Bayesian computation ABC"@en . "Biodiversity"@en . "Isolats viraux"@fr . "Bertrand" . "MULTIPLEX"@en . "Winter habitat"@en . "Biological control"@en . "Survival" . "Adaptation"@en . "Crop phenology"@en . "Landscape genetics"@en . "Lutte biologique"@fr . "Rongeurs"@fr . "MICROSATELLITE"@fr . "Dispersal distances"@en . "Computer simulation"@en . "Host-pathogen interaction"@en . "Ge ne \uFB02ow"@en . "Bertrand Gauffre" . "Farmland landscape complementation"@en . "Carabidae"@en . "Arthropods"@en . "Female kin clusters"@en . "Distribution shift"@en . "Montagu's Harrier"@en . "Barrier"@en . "Egg overheating"@en . "Paysage"@fr . "CAMPAGNOL DES CHAMPS"@en . "Flux g\u00E9nique"@fr . "HOST PLANT"@fr . "CMR"@en . "Agriculture"@en . "Admixture"@fr . "COMMON VOLE"@fr . "Microsatellites"@fr . "Density-dependence"@en . "Density dependence"@en . "Circus aeruginosus"@en . "Mode d'action"@fr . "Aphididae"@en . . "Dispersion"@fr . . "Crop rotation"@fr . . "Landscape dynamics"@fr . "G\u00E9n\u00E9tique paysag\u00E8re"@fr . "Natal and breeding dispersal"@en . "Oilseed rape"@en . "Carabids"@en . "Landscape composition"@en . "INSECTE"@fr . "Spatial genetic structure"@en . "Circus pygargus"@en . "Migration"@en . "Ambrosia artemisiifolia"@fr . "Food-web"@en . . "Geovisualisation"@en . . "Produit phytopharmaceutique"@fr . . "Institutional analysis and development"@en . "Gauffre" . "Laboratory experiments"@en . "Fungicide"@en . "Isolation by distance"@en . "Isotopic analyses"@en . . "Crop colonization"@en . . . "Introduction history"@en . "Poecilus cupreus"@fr . "Insect feeding ecology"@en . "Population cycles"@fr . . "Colonisation"@fr . "Virus de la granulose CpGV"@fr . "CROSS-SPECIES AMPLIFICATION"@en . . . "APHIDS"@en . "RELATION HOTE-PARASITE"@fr . "Dilutionconcentration processes"@fr . "Fecundity"@en . "Brassicogethes aeneus"@en . "GENETIQUE DES POPULATIONS"@fr .