. "LEAF MORPHOGENESIS"@en . "MRAM"@en . . "Electronic structure theory"@en . "Histone monoubiquitination"@en . "The MLE method"@en . "Adrenal vein sampling"@en . "ABA signaling"@en . . . . <0000-0003-4620-4976> . . "MEDICAGO-TRUNCATULA"@en . . . "Numerical implementation"@en . . "Lateral growth"@en . . "Q-Chem"@en . "ANTIRRHINUM-MAJUS"@en . "Cancer incidence"@en . "GENETIC-CONTROL"@en . "Porous ductile solids"@en . "Yang" . "Skew-normal random effects"@en . "TL"@en . "Software"@en . "Organ identity"@en . "Agricultural zoning"@en . "CELL-TYPES"@fr . . "Quantum chemistry"@en . "Rice"@en . "LATH"@en . "Long-term exposure"@en . "Patient selection"@en . . "FLOWER"@en . "ARABIDOPSIS"@en . "Pea"@en . "Simulation of rupture tests"@en . "Jun Yang" . "FLORAL ZYGOMORPHY"@en . . . . "Density functional theory"@en . . . "Computational modelling"@en . "LOTUS-JAPONICUS"@en . "Electron correlation"@en . . "Producing Region Distribution"@en . "Extended inverse Gaussian process model"@en . "Cohort study"@en . "Huang-Huai-Hai Plain"@en . "LST"@fr . "Adrenalectomy"@en . "Mortality"@en . . . "Agricultural Pattern"@en . "Air pollutant"@en . "Black carbon"@en . "Transcriptional regulation"@en . . "Jun" . "Measurement errors"@en . "Hypertension"@en . "Environmental health"@en . "Second-gradient model"@en . . "Chromatin remodeling"@en . "DNA-BINDING"@en . "Longitudinal study"@en . . "Diagnosis"@en . "Subtyping"@en . "Greenspace"@en . . "Mix of first-and second-gradient models"@en . "Potassium"@en . "Extended MC integration algorithm"@en .