"Consumer segmentation"@en . "Confirmatory analysis"@en . "Contract"@en . "Governance"@en . "Interorganizational networks"@en . "Franchisee perceptions"@en . "E-tail adoption"@en . "Assortment"@en . "Franchise"@fr . "Uniformity"@en . "Information asymmetry"@en . "Entropy"@en . "Know-how"@en . "Analyse conjointe"@fr . "Catchment area"@en . "Hotel chains"@en . "Communication"@en . . "European Union"@en . "Emerging markets"@en . "Algorithme de Louvain"@fr . "Brand equity"@en . "Entertainment"@en . "Consumers' experiences"@en . "Grande distribution"@fr . "M-commerce"@en . "Internationalization"@en . "Efficiency"@en . "Format de distribution"@fr . "Contract reclassification"@en . "Statistiques non param\u00E9triques"@fr . "Benefits perceptions"@en . "Conjoint analysis"@en . "Plural form"@en . "Prescription d'achats complexes"@fr . "G\u00E9rard Cliquet" . "Communaut\u00E9s th\u00E9matiques"@fr . "Th\u00E9orie fond\u00E9e sur les ressources"@fr . "Strat\u00E9gies spatiales"@fr . "Cooperatives"@en . "Geomarketing-mix"@en . "Consumer values"@en . "Retail brand"@en . "Fusions"@fr . "Etats-unis"@fr . "Feedback effects"@en . "fb79fcbbdacf6e8688f089e8b3042afc" . "B\u00E9n\u00E9fices"@fr . "Inter-organizational networks"@en . "Employee"@en . "Cosmetic markets"@en . "Corporate governance"@en . "Cha\u00EEnes h\u00F4teli\u00E8res"@fr . "Retail"@fr . "Access to innovation"@en . "Customer-based value"@en . "Cliquet" . "Confiance"@fr . "Informal and formal governance"@en . "Alliances"@en . "Perceived quality"@en . "Productivit\u00E9"@fr . "Trust"@en . "Entrepreneurial networks"@en . "Context-dependent DEA analysis"@en . "GIS"@en . "Animal familier"@fr . "Geolocation"@en . . "Daily life management"@en . "Benchmarking"@en . "Franchise network"@en . "Data Envelopment Analysis"@en . "Bibliometric analysis"@en . "Click and collect"@en . "Capital marque"@fr . "Couverture territoriale"@fr . "Th\u00E9orie des droits de propri\u00E9t\u00E9"@fr . "Entropie"@fr . "Productivit\u00E9 du magasinage"@fr . "Retailing"@en . "Franchise chains"@en . "Valeur"@fr . "Brand origin recognition accuracy"@en . "Franchise networks"@en . "DEA method"@en . "MDD"@fr . "Performance"@fr . "Conseil"@fr . "Complex purchase prescription"@en . "G\u00E9olocalisation"@fr . "Competitiveness"@en . "Temps d'achat"@fr . "Risque per\u00E7u"@fr . "Strat\u00E9gie multicanal"@fr . "Comportement du consommateur"@en . "M\u00E9dicaments"@fr . "Geomerchandising"@en . "Convergence theories"@en . "Assortiment"@fr . "Internationalisation"@fr . "EAERCD 2015 Conference"@en . "Human capital"@en . "Franchising"@en . "Contract design"@en . "Habitation theories"@en . "Consumer behavior"@en . "Food cooperative"@en . "France"@en . "Customer enjoyment shopping experience"@en . "Analyse s\u00E9mantique"@fr . "M\u00E9dia"@fr . "Advertising resources"@en . "Knowledge transfer"@en . "Proximit\u00E9"@fr . "Franchises"@fr . "Cybermarch\u00E9"@fr . "Informal governance mechanisms"@en . "Agency theory"@en . "Asym\u00E9trie d'information"@fr . "Customer value"@en . "Formal governance"@en . "Litigation"@en . "China"@en . "Attitudes towards store channels"@en . "Acquisitions"@fr . . "G\u00E9rard" . "Datamining"@en . "Innovation through networks"@en . "Strat\u00E9gie"@fr . "Commerce de d\u00E9tail"@fr . "Geomarketing"@en . "Browsing experience"@en . "Commerce de proximit\u00E9"@fr . "Benefits"@en . "Gouvernance"@fr . "Influencing factors"@en . "Spatial marketing"@en . "Cross-cultural research"@en . "Strat\u00E9gie transcanal"@fr . "G\u00E9omarketing"@fr . "E-commerce"@en . "Distribution alimentaire"@fr . "Value"@en . "Franchisee websites"@en . "Internet"@en . "Business and law approach"@en . "Grocery pickups"@en . "Merchandising"@fr . "Valeurs des consommateurs"@fr . "Distribution"@fr . "G\u00E9omarketing-mix"@fr . "Comportement spatial des consommateurs"@fr .