"Theory of relativity"@en . "Mathematical representation of an egg"@en . "Mind and matter"@en . . "e66bf47ea76dcea521ef61daba586944" . "Shape / form"@en . "Social and natural evolution"@en . "Uniqueness"@en . "Legality arbitration and nature"@en . . . "The concept\u2019"@en . . "Number/mass"@en . "Universals"@en . "Visual representation"@en . . . "Space and the aether"@en . "Mechanization"@en . "The concept"@en . "Natural ethic"@en . "Sociological and scientific process"@en . "Supervenience"@en . "Kirsh" . "Nihilism"@en . "Time and emergence"@en . "Marvin E Kirsh" . "World / universe"@en . . "Rationality and imagination"@en . "Rationality"@en . "Logical positivism"@en . "The transcendental object"@en . "Cognition"@en . "Universals and constants"@en . "Infinity"@en . "Lifetime /half life"@en . . "Parallelism"@en . "Induction"@en . "Motion"@en . "Prime numbers"@en . "Observation interpretation and common causes"@en . "Form and nature"@en . "Time"@en . "Mind / matter"@en . "Mind matter form and energy"@en . "Ethics"@en . "Marvin" . "Space"@en . "First/third perspective"@en . "Shape/form"@en . "Social equality and mathematical inequality"@en .