"University level"@en . "Interdisciplinarity"@en . "Teaching and learning of analysis and calculus"@en . "Geometrical model"@en . "Modelling examples"@en . . "Networking"@en . "Empirical studies"@en . "IBME education"@en . "Secondary school"@en . "Mathematical modelling"@en . "Co-disciplinary context"@en . "Mathematical discourse"@en . "Dialectics"@en . "Theoretical approaches"@en . "Curricular and institutional issues concerning the teaching of mathematics at university level"@en . "ATD"@en . "0bb01eb133a3880fc8447c0efd10ca12" . "Didactic engineering"@en . "Barquero" . "Berta Barquero" . "Modelling"@en . "Teacher education"@en . "Usage of technology"@en . "Study and research paths"@en . "Mathematics for engineers"@en . "Didactic contract"@en . . "Task design"@en . "Novel approaches to teaching"@en . "Praxeologies"@en . "Specific keywords mathematical modelling"@en . "Curriculum"@en . "Adidacticity"@en . "On-line course"@en . "Berta" . "Pandemics"@en . . "Inquiry"@en . "Teaching and learning of specific topics in university mathematics"@en . "Research and study path"@en . "Anthropological theory of the didactic"@en . "Institutional relativity"@en . "Theory of Didactic Situations"@en . "Didactic situation"@en . "Ecology"@en . "Teachers' and students' practices at university level"@en . "Oriented instruction"@en . "Research and study activities"@en . "Inquiry competence"@en .